Alaskan Bushwheel Airstreak Tires: A Review
Posted by Brendan OMara
(Please enjoy the following article from – WHILE YOU’RE HERE please browse our website for all your aircraft parts and pilot accessories needs!)
Today we are discussing Alaskan Bushwheel’s Airstreak Tires. We got a set of 26″, mounted them and tested them here at CRAZEDpilot. It’s been one of the best investments we ever made. We’ve tried different tires for the plane but so far the Alaskan Bushwheel Airstreak tire is the best. Here’s why:
♦ The biggest difference from other tires is the Alaskan Bushwheel Airstreak Tires have no separate inner tube, instead they used an integrated tube. Probably only the one of its kind, this 26″ Airstreak tire is highly engineered so that they had to build the tube system first then molded the rest of the tire around it.
♦ Another technology that’s quite unique is that the stem system is actually protruding from the sidewall, instead of the inner tube. That part where the inner tube is, is sealed and flat and this would prevent shearing the tube and releasing air when you assemble your rim.
♦ The reinforced edges were manufactured in a way to give you clearance for your brake caliper.
♦ This tire is really well built with a smooth tread so it’s not going to pick up and throw rocks on takeoff.
(read more below after watching this video….)
The Alaskan Bushwheel Airstreak tire is definitely an investment. Although noticeably more expensive, we wouldn’t choose any other tire for our plane.
When we tested these, they performed really well. We ran about 12 PSI air pressure in them when landing to prevent tire wear. But when we did an “off airport” landing on grass and gravel bars we lowered the tires to 5 PSI air pressure which increases breaking action. And we all attest that the landing was a really smooth roll on the grass. And because of the low pressure settings, there’s an extra traction gained and this decreases your stopping distance on landing. If you’re planning on taking off and landing on some pretty hostile terrain, based on the tests we’ve made, these tires are the way to go!
Happy Flying!